OS7000M multi-core laser cutting machine
Model Number:OS7000M Brands:DomailleRichen Code:81010900
The OptiSaber laser cutting machine is the most precise connector molding machine on the market, suitable for MTP/MPO multi-core connector applications, greatly improving production yield, reducing costs, and avoiding the phenomenon of fiber splitting caused by traditional fiber cutting. The cut connector adhesive package height is consistent, thereby reducing grinding time and user concerns about fiber splitting, ultimately reducing the overall grinding cost of MTP/MPO connectors


Features of Domaill Laser Cutting Machine OS7000M:

1. Fast, reliable, and low-cost

2. Avoiding the phenomenon of fiber splitting and adhesive detachment caused by traditional fiber cutting

3. The consistent adhesive removal length ensures a consistent starting height for grinding, saving grinding consumables

4. Significantly reduce the scrap rate caused by traditional fiber cutting

5. Rapid conversion of PC/APC

6. Directly observe the cutting process with an external display

7. The external pedal frees up the operator's hand movements

Before cutting                                    After cutting

切割前.jpg      切割后.jpg

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